If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
-1 John 1:9
Jesus Christ paid the price! The debt of our sin was very great. There was no possibility that our lives would be reconciled with the Creator; We were condemned to eternal death, but He loved us so much that He gave his only son so that all our iniquity would be placed on him and through his death our debt would be erased. It didn't cost us but it did cost God. The price was very high!
We often walk unaware through life, not realizing what we have. Perhaps it has been easier to fix our attention on what is happening around or in the environment that hinders seeing and feeling the immeasurable dimension of God's love for us. We are surely bombarded by the standards that the world sets for lifestyle, appearance, ideal position or success. But the possibility of these motivations leads us to the lie of a wrong happiness or love that is simply vain, fleeting and illusory, making the emptiness of our heart even greater when we pretend to be the center of everything.
The subtlety of the deception of our enemy, also many times our own heart, is undermining us little by little, almost imperceptibly, until we see ourselves paying attention to the wrong voice that hammers in our minds to make us feel that God could not love us and therefore so much not to forgive us. This is not the truth reflected in Christ, who did not consider being equal to God as something to cling to, but by stripping himself of his condition, he became a man and carried on him the sins of all of us, becoming obedient until death on the cross because we He loved, without measuring our faults or skimping anything; he gave everything so that we would have a chance to be saved.
No matter what we have done, nothing can separate us from God's love or make him love us less. We just have to believe in his love, ask for forgiveness. The debt of our sin has already been paid! The birth of Jesus brought hope of eternal life to all hearts that lay buried under the condemnation of sin. His own life, given for us on the cross, allows us today to have forgiveness and the promise of eternity by his side. In this and all ages, we will celebrate his inexhaustible love for him, the fulfillment of what he has told us.
Precious Jesus, we will always celebrate your love, the new life that we have through your sacrifice on the cross; We will remember your birth, death and resurrection to thank you forever for the sweet gift of salvation, the hope of an eternity with you. Amen
God Love's Me | Devotionals | ALTAR Church